Easter Treats

This coming weekend is Easter Weekend. Good Friday is the day when Jesus was crucified, and then on Easter Sunday is when he was resurrected. For many, it is a religious weekend, but since the turn of the century, it has become a commercialised event for companies to try and sell as many Easter eggs… Continue reading Easter Treats

Come fly with EWFM

The aviation industry is at an all-time high due to the relaxation of the COVID-19 rules and regulations, particularly in the United Kingdom. Over the past couple of years, the airline industry has suffered due to the pandemic, as most people were either not allowed to travel or didn’t want to because of the procedures… Continue reading Come fly with EWFM

International Women’s Day

This past Tuesday was International Women’s Day. A day where people across the world come together to celebrate women, raise awareness against bias and take action for equality. International Women’s Day originated in 1909 in America, but since then it has spread across the globe, which now sees everyone come together on March the 8th… Continue reading International Women’s Day

Winter Olympics 2022

The 2022 Winter Olympics has been going now for the just under a week and the less said about Great Britain’s medal tally at this current time, the better. A lot of questions have been asked around the world as to why Beijing won the bid for this years Winter Olympics because of the weather… Continue reading Winter Olympics 2022