Shrove Tuesday – A flipping great day

Shrove Tuesday – A flipping great day

Shrove Tuesday – A flipping great day

We have just had Shrove Tuesday, or to others, Mardi Gras, or Pancake Day. It is a Christian feast day where people use up food that they can’t eat during Lent such as eggs, fat, and milk, hence pancakes. We all know the common ingredients that go into a classic pancake, but we wanted to look at the chemistry behind the perfect pancake.


The Perfect Pancake: 

The classic pancake batter contains flour, eggs, and milk. When these are mixed together, the proteins in the flour, which are glutenin and gliadin, link together to form gluten. Once the gluten has formed, it captures air bubbles, which then causes the pancakes to rise. If you stir the batter too much, the gluten can overdevelop, which will give you a chewy pancake. Leaving the mixture to rest for a small amount of time means the proteins can untangle and let the air bubbles escape. Following these steps will give you a thin and perfect pancake!


EWFM Loading Arms:

Now you’re probably thinking, what does the chemistry of pancakes andChemical Loading Arms EWFM Loading Arms have in common? Well, everyone at EWFM loves pancakes, but the main point is the chemistry aspect. EWFM offers a range of products tailored to the chemistry industry, especially our loading arms. We have a range of loading arms that are specially designed to handle chemical substances. Our current range consists of eight chemical loading arms, which are a mix of A-framed, fixed, and variable reach, long and triple range variations. As with a lot of our loading arms, we have both top and bottom options to cater to all types of filling situations.


Next time you are tucking into your perfect pancakes because of the secrets we have shared with you, we hope you will remember EWFM and our loading arms!

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