Happy belated Valentine’s Day everyone. We hope your day was filled with Flowers and lots of chocolate! But do you know the origins of the most loving day of the year? Originally, it was a Christian feast day honouring a martyr called Valentine. A martyr is someone who has died due to their belief and… Continue reading Valentine’s Day
We are at the end of October, which means it’s time for the fact files. Unfortunately, this will be the last one of the series, but we are sure it will be the best one yet! The autumn season started off fairly warm here in the UK, but gradually the cold mornings and dark evenings… Continue reading The Fact Files: Breakaway Couplings
From the 23rd of July to the 7th of August, is National Marine Week in the UK. This event is held to promote UK marine animals and plants while also highlighting what we can do in our daily lives to protect them. The main three points of the wildlife trust’s push for us to take… Continue reading National Marine Week
EWFM has been supplying equipment suited for tankers for many years. Since the start our products, that are tanker compliant, have grown, which has led to three varying product ranges that are ideal solutions for different parts of tankers. Although there are different types of tankers, EWFM specialises in equipment designed for road and rail… Continue reading What do EWFM supply for tankers?
This week is National Doughnut Week. An event which is aimed at raising money for The Children’s Trust. From the 7th to the 15th of May businesses, including bakers, coffee shops, and offices around the UK are taking part and selling doughnuts to raise funds for the charity. The Children’s Trust is the UK’s leading… Continue reading You doughnut want to miss this blog