Food and Drink

food and drink

Due to the hygienic demand of the food and drink industry in the modern era, equipment has been specially designed to ensure that those demands are met. Here at EWFM we have diversified our products to ensure we can offer companies working in the food and drink industry, suitable food grade equipment so they can meet the current industry standards.

Food and Drink Products

Swivel Joints

EWFM takes pride in offering a diverse range of Swivel Joints that cater to various...

Loading Arms and Unloading Arms

EWFM offers a comprehensive range of Loading Arms and Unloading Arms designed for efficiently discharging...


Couplings play a pivotal role in facilitating rapid and efficient connections and disconnections, significantly reducing...

Filling and Emptying Equipment

EWFM proudly supplies a diverse range of filling and emptying equipment tailored to accommodate various...

Breakaway Couplings

EWFM proudly supplies a comprehensive range of Breakaway Couplings, encompassing both standard and engineered variants....