You doughnut want to miss this blog


You doughnut want to miss this blog

This week is National Doughnut Week. An event which is aimed at raising money for The Children’s Trust. From the 7th to the 15th of May businesses, including bakers, coffee shops, and offices around the UK are taking part and selling doughnuts to raise funds for the charity. The Children’s Trust is the UK’s leading charity for children who suffer brain injuries. Every year, approximately 40,000 children will suffer a brain-related injury. Although some have good prognoses, there are thousands who have long-term difficulties. This type of situation is where the Children’s Trust supports the children and their families.

Doughnut facts:

Doughnuts are a global favourite which originated in the Netherlands, where they serve a sweet dish called “Olykoek”. These were balls of dough shaped like walnuts that were fried in oil. When they became popular, bakers found that they cooked more evenly with a hole in the middle. Although exact figures aren’t available, Krispy Kreme on their own is said to sell around 60 million doughnuts a year in the UK.

EWFM helping the food and drink industry:

For years, EWFM has been helping the food and drink industry by supplying a range of our products. In the past, we have sold to Yeo Valley, Rhokett, Diageo, and Timothy Taylors. Due to the hygienic demands of the food and drink industry in the modern era, equipment has been specially designed to ensure that those demands are met.

Here at EWFM, we have diversified our products to ensure we can offer companies working in the food and drink industry suitable food grade equipment so they can meet the current industry standards. Our product ranges that are suited for this industry include:

If you are near any business that is selling doughnuts this week, pop in and grab yourself one to help an amazing charity. If not, then you can donate straight to the charity by using the following link:

Contact information:

Tel          : +44 (0) 1763 248650

Email     : [email protected]

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