Fixed Reach Top Loading Arm | Top Loading Arms | Model 622/722bc
Fixed Reach Top Loading Arm
The fixed reach top loading arm (Model 622/722 – BC) is used for top filling of rail cards and road tankers where a manhole fill point is at a set position for loading. The difference between the 662-bc version and the 722-bc version is that the 622 model uses a light duty swivel, whereas the model 722 uses our standard swivel joints. Please note that this is a fixed reach loading arm which therefore means that’s the tanker or rail car must always be a set distance away from the arm for it to work efficiently. It is likely that this loading arm will only be able to reach one fill point.
The design of the fixed reach top loading arm includes three swivel joints for vertical and horizontal positioning, a compression spring balance cylinder for ease of movement, a loading valve with either hold-open or stay-open operation and an extension/remote control for outboard loading valve operation. This loading arm can also be manufactured in right or left hand configuration.
For more designs, please head to our loading arm page where you can find a range of Loading and Unloading Arms.
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